Saturday, January 26, 2008

Integrating smarty in CI

Create one directory named ‘applications/init’.
create one file named ‘applications/init/init_mysmarty.php’
paste following in it:

if ( ! class_exists('MySmarty'))

$obj =& get_instance();
$obj->mysmarty = new MySmarty();
$obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'mysmarty';


create one file named ‘applications/libraries/MySmarty.php’
paste following in the class :

class MySmarty extends Smarty{

function __construct()
$this->compile_dir = APPPATH . "views/templates_c";
$this->template_dir = APPPATH . "views/ templates";
log_message('debug', "Smarty Class Initialized");

paste “applications/libraries/libs” of smarty in libraries of application : refer to MySmarty.php class for the path. Create ‘templates_c’ and ‘templates’ in views directory

Try this controller:

function Blog()
function index()

$smarty_array =array('one','two','three','four');

{section name=i loop=$forloop}


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